Friday, September 5, 2008

Bionic Commando Rearmed

I wasn't even considering buying the Swedish developed Bionic Commando sequel, what with it's anti hero and his dreadlocks landing square in the middle of every comic book character from 1995.

They tricked me however. For $10, I got to download a revamped version of the original. Stage layout essentially the same, music remixed. Now with actual bosses and a much harder last level. I'm loving playing it. The new definition of how a remake should be done.

But they did something tricky: they got me to realize that these Swedes at Grin have the right idea. They get it. They certainly understand the original game. Then they went in and snuck in a few plot points and pickups for the 3d version coming out.

Now I really want to play it, this new Bionic Commando. Especially since by buying Rearmed, I get Rad Spencers original outfit to wear.

Interest piqued, dreadlock issue resolved, I'm now buying the new game unless consensus is it's horrible.

Also worth noting is the new writing in the game is awesome.

yesterday the game glitched out and I lost my save. Upon playing it through again, i'm promoting it. This game is all i've been playing for weeks now, and I can see firing it up from time to time to play again.

4 stars.