Friday, July 3, 2009

Recession Reviews: Crackdown

Due to the utter slop that calls itself the games of 2009 so far I have bought exactly 1 game: Resident Evil 5. Having milked that one to death (1000 GP to be specific), I decided rather than go out and get Prototype or Infamous and be unhappy with how Crackdown does X or Y better I'd just fire up crackdown and achievement whore.

Turns out I made a good decision. My old old copy of crackdown is still fantastically fun, and doubly so when I got Gorgeous Hair to play online. We decided to call our session quits at 1am last night, but for the next hour neither of us signed off. We just jumped around the city and accomplished nothing, and we had a great time doing it.

My middling complaints about the game still hold up (lack of bosses, touchy controls), but it does so much right that every other game does wrong, and at least until Prototype and Infamous came out was the only sandbox game that understood a game should be a game first and a life simulator second. It's still fantastic fun to climb all the tall buildings, to launch an attack on a boss and to generally raise hell.

You can easily find it for under $20 shipped, and it's still a solid 3 star game.

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